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oil rig explosion |
oil rig explosion:Funny how the critics of alternative fuel vehicles never mention the overwhelming support that the fuel (pun intended) our dependence on gasoline and vehicles. As for example the cost of maintaining aircraft carrier battle groups steamed in the Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean to protect shipping routes for oil and oil reserves of the Guard in the Middle East, the cost of long and bloody fighting wars over oil, the cost of our alliances with despotic regimes in oil producers, the cost of maintaining tens of thousands of troops deployed near oil fields in the world, costs associated with national security fight against terrorist groups that have arisen as a result of our involvement in the oil-rich Middle East, the cost of massive tax cuts given to oil companies, the human and economic costs of climate change resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels have resulted in strong hurricanes and massive flooding, the cost of cleaning up oil spills, and the cost of lost jobs, ruined businesses, devastated ecosystems and broken dreams in the wake of oil spills in recent years.
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oil rig explosi |
Another oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico has exploded today oil rig explosion. All crew members survived. Currently, no one knows whether the explosion caused a leak in one of the seven wells that the collection of the platform. There have been reports of an oil slick in the water near the fire, but could also be the limited amount of oil stored in the platform, which would still be a stroke, but significantly less problematic. Beyond that, there really is not much information about this right now. If someone learned something from deep water horizon seems to be better, PR-wise, if you do not have to correct everything you say two days later. To give you something to ponder in the meantime, however, Deep Sea News has made a very interesting series on the science (as is) of oil dispersant. Interestingly, not only the basic facts, but also because they go into the details of why we do not know more.
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oil rig explosion |
Exploding oil rig is about 128 km off the coast of Louisiana , throwing 13 people into the sea. Coast Guard has confirmed that all 13 are recognized, and one was wounded. They are now planned for saving water rescue suits. Red oil platform 380, which is owned by Houston-based Mariner Energy, has actively produced a product, but officials could not confirm that there will be due to contamination. Gloss of oil 100 feet of a nautical mile (or less than two kilometers) were reported near the site. All 13 workers rig has now been evacuated from offshore oil industry to another. Coast Guard said the oil rig fire red has been deleted but not yet extinct.- oil rig explosion
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